Ape Guide(how To Make Animals)

Read up on how to manipulate APE and basics of how to use APE - the Animal Project Editor - designed for the original version of Zoo Tycoon.
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Post by Sundance300 »

This is will soon be a complete guide for creating Ape.
Please post questions about Ape here.

Part 1

For the General section
1.Change the price to one that you like.
2.Change the group of animals(example-Horse is an odd-toed Ungulate)
If you need help finding out what your animal is tell me what kind of animal and I will tell you the group.
3.Change its abilities(example-Horse it jumps and swims)
4.Change its reproduction and social stats.
5.Change its Icon and Plaque(you can do that by click the folder next to them and choosing the image you made)
For all of these you can have different information for different sexes or even the baby.

For the Animation section
1.If you want to delete frame(s) you can either click on the frame and press the X or if you want to delete more click and drag over the frames and then press the X.
2.If you want to save frame(s) you can either click on the frame and press the disk or if you want to delete more click and drag over the frames and then press the disk.
3.If you want to load frame(s) you can either load one by selecting one or you can select more to load more.
Files stay in the order that they are loaded.
4.You can also delete and make new animation frames by clicking the buttons that look like movie film.
5.If you want to select different animations just go to the drag down menu.
For all of these you can have different animations for different sexes or even the baby. You also must remember that you have to make different animations for different angles and you can change the speed of the animation.

[Part 2

For the Description section
If you have Ape version 1.1 or higher then you are able to do step 1, if not then skip to step 2.
1.Chose the language of the name, phrase, tooltip, and description that you are writing.
2.Write the name in the name box.
3.Write the phrase in the phrase box.
2.Write the tooltip in the tooltip box.
2.Write the description in the description box.
You can write the name, phrase, tooltip, and description in one language and just paste it into the other languages or you can write them each separately.

For the Compatability section
Basically you move the tabs to change the combatibility of that animal to different animals and objects.
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Post by Sundance300 »

As of late, I have done extensive work on figuring out the format of .ztd files. This is a simple explanation (I was tired at time of writing) of the format:

"Look at the sample hex code below taken from a graphic file:


(Numbers in brackets below refer to decimal equivalent)

The first two hex numbers, E8 03 (1000), refers to the total length of the file. 1D (29) - 1 (28) tells you how long the palette string is (in bytes): 70 61 74 68 73 2F 72 61 69 6E 70 61 74 68 2F 69 64 6C 65 2F 30 30 30 31 2E 70 61 6C

01 : I'm not completely sure but think it tells you how many animations this graphics file has.

85 02 (645): Don't know yet.

11 (17): Height of graphic

40 (64): Width of graphic

09 (9): Centerpoint of graphic (Height)

20 (32): Centerpoint of graphic (Width)

01 40 00 (1, 64, 0): First line of graphic. 01 means that there is one bunch of transparent colours in this line. 40 (64) means that the one (and only) bunch of transparent colours is 64 pixels wide. 00 indicates end of line.

02 00 22 1C 1A 1C 2F 2E 1B 40 40 1F 31 2E 1C 1B 08 2C 29 29 30 40 29 02 1B 40 39 0E 06 06 09 00 06 06 06 07 01 1E 00

Second line of graphic. 02 means that there is two bunches of transparent colours in this line. 00 means no pixels are transparent to start. 22 (34) means that the next 34 pixels refer to the colours in the palettes. So the first pixel would be palette colour 1C (28), the second palette colour 1A (26) .... 33rd palette colour 07 (7) and the 34th palette colour 01 (1). The 1E (30) means that there are now 30 transparent pixels.

Notice that 22 (34) and 1E (30) = 40 (64) the Width of the graphic. Each line must have reference to Width amount of pixels.

There are Height amount of lines.

The palette (.pal) is quite easy to work out. Colours are stored in the RGB format."
I would like to know what colour I have to put as a background for my images so it's transparent ingame.
Make sure that the colour in the (0,0) position (top left-hand corner) of the graphic is part of the background as the game reads the colour of that pixel as the transparent colour for that graphic.
